I’ve been a bit of a neglectful blogger of late, so here I am jumping back into the fray with a shutterboo catch up post. I’ve been very diligently capturing my weekly shots (aided in no small part by PagX playing along this year) – I’ve managed to get all my shots so far, and only forgot to post the picture once (oops!).


Week 5: Sign 

Signs of Human Invasion

Week 6: Repetition

A Repetition of Errors

Week 7: Fear


Week 8: White

Pearly White

Week 9: Large

Pulling in the Crowd

Week 10: Mess


Week 11: Curves


Week 12: Past

Farm Buildings (4)

Week 13: Purple


Week 14: Circle


shutterboo catch up

by on Monday, April 11, 2011
I’ve been a bit of a neglectful blogger of late, so here I am jumping back into the fray with a shutterboo catch up post. I’ve been very dil...